Please pardon the delay in updates. I have happy news- my new laptop has arrived! It has taken a few days to get set up, and I am still working at making everything work right, but I am very pleased, and very afriad. Afraid, because I have a powerful addiction to the internet, and to computers. I want to have one of my own, to customize, fine tune, and harmonize with. And to be online, fully online with a fast connected and my own machine is to become submerged, connected- integrated. Integrated into the reality that is the internet. Integrated into that vast hub of lives, the great data nexus of our age. The so called sea of information, and the greatest thing about it is that it is still a primordial sea. To be part of that is a glorious feeling. Very addictive. And most of the internet is fluff, at best. Wastes of time and energy, drainage points for life. Elovutionary dead ends we have yet to prune. I am afraid of losing life to these distractions. Of being totally sucked in an owned by my addiction. I think it is a very realistic fear.
But I have other options. I am priveledged with an awesome array of fantastic options. I live in a time when the internet is still embryotic, and very impressionable. I, we, all of us, are in a perfect position to shape the development of the internet, and with it the future of the human race. Quite a privalege indeed. We can choose whether the internet will be a wasteland of distractions, porn, malware and ads, or a coperate playground. We can decide whether it will be a new mailbox, encyclopedia, dictionary and directory. Or we could make it an auxillery soiaty running parallel to our own. A new way of integrating the entire human race. A tool for connecting with people in ways that we have never imagined before. Right now, it is all these things. It will always be all these things. The internet is like a person. It is never just one thing. The question is which parts of it we will feed and nuture.
Now I have become quite sidetracked from my original point, so let us tie this diverging post together. The internet is like a person. It is like the reflection of a person, or the mind, spirit, and emotions of those who have created it. The internet is a mirrior for ourselves, and for humanity. If we think it sees us darkly, not clearly, it is because we do not like what about us it is reflecting. But it doesn't just reflect- it invites us to come in and play. It creates a playground duplication of whatever mental state is dominate. I am afraid of what my internet habits will tell me about where I truely am right now, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I am afraid that given the opertuity, I will get lost in the parasitic, vampiric sections of the internet. The parts that will just suck my life away. The part of the internet dedicated to connecting with people, to sharing ideas, innovating, helping, giving, integrating humanity- this is the part I want to be addicted to, to be dedicated to. Just as I wish to live in accordance with the corresponding part of myself.
The latop's name is Lain.
P.S. You either get it or you don't.
My endorsed social media alternative
1 month ago